You work so hard getting fans to wishlist your game and then you check your numbers and you see a ton of deletes! It is so frustrating. Of course deletes are normal but is your game abnormally off-putting? Are you scaring away your potential fans? In 2021 I collected wishlist Continue Reading
What is a normal click-through rate or wishlist rate on Steam?
So, everyone asks me “what is a normal, organic clickthrough rate?” Here it is: It is complicated. Let me back up, When you are featured in a festival or a streamer is covering your game, your traffic numbers are crazy high. But as soon as that heavy featuring is over, Continue Reading
What happened at PAX West 2022?
Last weekend I attended my first PAX. My favorite thing there was that I finally met so many readers of the blog! If I met you, I had such a good time and thank you for saying “hi.” Now PAX is mostly for fans to be… well… fans. So it Continue Reading
4 Myths about looking at the market to determine what type of game to make.
I write about genre a lot. Genre and quality are the most important things that will determine how well your game does. This graph is in my most popular blog posts all about what genres are popular in 2022 and always causes my twitter engagement to go up when I Continue Reading
4 tips to help you price your indie game
In last week’s blog post I wondered, Are Indie Games Too Cheap? The basic finding was that AAA games keep rising, lower end Indie games are holding steady and upper tier Indies are consistently about ½ the price of a AAA game. Here is that in visual format. So let’s Continue Reading
Are indie games too cheap?
The other day I was wondering if we really are selling indie games for too cheap. Using the Steam Analytics over at VGInsights I found the average price for every game released every year since non-valve games were allowed on Steam (2006). So what does it show? Way back in Continue Reading
Inspiration Thursday August 4th
Occasionally I am posting a mid-week all about some really cool things that indies are doing that are having real, tangible results. I hope it is inspiring and show you that there are things you can be doing to move your game forward. Twitter Trends Success On Monday I wrote Continue Reading
How to go viral on Twitter
Many people think going viral is a random bolt of lightning that strikes some lucky individual. It is the lottery. It is magic. It is random! But in today’s blog I will walk you through the methodical campaign that Joe Henson used on twitter to make a 2-year-old game “go Continue Reading
Why don’t some games sell well?
This is my game on Steam that I launched back in 2019. Look at it! it has 221 Very Positive Reviews (88% of them are!). But Steam doesn’t give it any visibility. It has been stuck at 200-ish reviews for a year! Celeste is a similar enough game that I Continue Reading
How do you get streamers to cover your game? Get a better capsule.
I had a shocking realization this week: one of the reasons streamers decide whether or not to cover your game is based on how good or bad your Steam capsule is. Let me explain … In the book The Youtube Formula, streaming guru Derral Eves teaches aspiring youtubers the following: Continue Reading