On November 15, 2022, ZERO Sievert Launched into Early Access with over 277,966 wishlists. By the first day 4485 Steam users were playing it simultaneously. And by the end of the week it earned $1,380,963. It seems like such a simple 2D, pixel art shooter? How did this game achieve Continue Reading
Are Vampire Survivor-Likes Dead?
Last Friday was the 1 year anniversary of Splattercat playing a little game name Vampire Survivors. The game went viral from there, getting covered by more and more streamers and selling millions of copies and becoming one of the most played games of 2022. Side Note: This genre is so Continue Reading
What Splattercat and Wanderbot think about the games of 2022
Happy New Year. I want to start this year looking back at 2022. This is easy because Valve Released this really great tool called Steam Replay. The tool looks at your play history from 2022 and generates a report of the games you played and how you rank compared to Continue Reading
Bundling is giving
Tis the season of giving. You might be wondering how to give back to their fellow developers. Should you upvote their Reddit posts? Eh, kinda. Maybe retweeting their announce tweet? Eh, a bit… Should you buy a copy of their game and leave a review? Better. But, the best thing Continue Reading
The median indie game does not earn a whole lot
Success on Steam is a hockey stick. The biggest games on Steam make so much more money than the games below it financially. But, what if you want to earn just a “middle-class” income? You just want to make enough money to be comfortable while doing what you love (which Continue Reading
Six types of best selling games
In my community and in my consulting practice I have had the privilege to watch a few developers launch wildly successful games. Marketing these best seller games feel different. Every day these games get hundreds, even thousands, of wishlists without doing much at all. These developers can post on Reddit Continue Reading
Done with Twitter? You should start a blog instead
I guess twitter is dying. Maybe? I have seen a lot of people post “good bye” tweets that are basically “I am done here! Follow me on Instagram, Mastodon, and Tumblr where I will now be posting” These goodbye tweets remind me of the inscriptions we leave in the back Continue Reading
How to get covered by IGN
If you make a game trailer, the best thing that can possibly happen to you is to have the IGN youtube channel do an exclusive reveal of it. It will get seen by hundreds of thousands of very passionate gamers.IGN is basically the Johnny Carson of video games. If you Continue Reading
Steam Next Fest October 2022: How did games perform
Gut level, how did this festival perform compared to past ones? Here are some basic stats Number of Games Games surveyed Average Wishlists Wishlists earned70th percentile Wishlists earned Median Wishlists earned 30th percentile Median Impressions Median Views 2020 ?? 61 4046 1,870 520 176 1,519,697 4,748 2021 696 42 3,752 Continue Reading
What is a good median play time for a demo? [Benchmark]
A good demo is a critical component of your game marketing strategy. If you have a great demo, streamers will want to play it (sometimes repeatedly over months), the festivals you enter will earn you more wishlists, and fans will fall in love with your game and be ready to Continue Reading