Wonder what is normal? Want to know what to expect with your launch? I have created a top to bottom timeline of major milestones and what metrics you can expect to see at each.

The benchmarks in this timeline are divided into 4 tiers of gross lifetime income. For more information about how to use this chart and understand the earning tiers, read this post.

Gross earning tiers

🥉 Bronze: $0 – $10,000
🥈 Silver: $10,001 – $249K
🥇 Gold: $250K – $999K
💎 Diamond: $1 Million+

Coming Soon Page Launch

How many wishlists will I earn when I launch my Steam page?

🥉 100 wishlists
🥈 500 wishlists
🥇 1200 wishlists
💎 7000 wishlists

How many wishlists do you earn when you launch your steam page?
(Study date: August 2022)

Organic Visibility

How many wishlists should I earn on a typical week?

Wishlists earned per week:
🥉 0 – 40
🥈 15 – 120
🥇 100 – 700
💎 300 – 3000

What is a normal click through rate and weekly wishlist earn?
(Study date: August 2022)

Wishlist Deletes

What is a normal number of wishlist deletes?

Important to note that the bigger and more visible your game is, the more likely you will have lots of deletes.

🥉 9% wishlists are deleted
🥈 12.7% wishlists are deleted
🥇 10.5% wishlists are deleted
💎 11.65% wishlists are deleted

What is a normal number of wishlist deletes?

Demo Median Playtime

What is a good median playtime for a demo?

If fans can’t stop playing your demo, that is a great sign. If people can’t stand your game, they won’t stick around long. So what is a normal playtime for a demo?

🥉 7 minutes
🥈 18 minutes
🥇 38 minutes
💎 65 minutes

What is a good median play time for a demo? [Benchmark]

Game Launch

How many wishlists should I have at launch?

🥉 <6000
🥈 6000
🥇 30,000
💎 150,000

How many wishlists should I have when I launch my game?

Discovery Queue

How much launch visibility will the Discovery Queue give me?

Page impressions in the 10 days after launch (% of traffic).

🥉 22,000 (54% of traffic)
🥈 126,000 (45% of traffic)
🥇 250,00 (45% of traffic)
💎 665,000 (32% of traffic)


What is the post launch Discovery Queue (2025)

Wishlist conversion rate

How many of my wishlists will convert in the first week?

When you launch, how many of your wishlists will convert to sales.

Conversion Rate as sorted by revenue:
🥉 $1000 = 11.93%
🥈 $10,000 = 20.49%
🥇 $100,000 = 25.35%
💎 $1,000,000 = 27.08%

Conversion Rate as sorted by number of wishlists at launch
< 4999 = 15% (median)
5000-39,999 = 20% (median)
40,000-99,999 = 23% (median)
100,000+ = 25% (median)

(Simon Carless) Steam: the new ‘wishlists to first week sales’ expectations
(Study date: June 2020)


How many sales per review?

This is commonly referred to as the Boxleiter number and is the calculation of the number of sales per review.

Sales / review by release year
2013 – 2017: 79 to 43
2018: 38
2019: 36
2020: 31
2021: 20-55 (31 is median)

(VG Insights) How to Estimate Steam Video Game Sales (Study date: June 2021)
(Simon Carless) How that game sold on Steam, using the NB Number (Study date: August 2020)