Speaker: Casey Yano Company Mega Crit Games Talk link here Slay the Spire is an amazingly successful card game that was developed by two developers and a bunch of contractors. The two designers quit their QA based jobs to make this over a period of 2 years. What makes this Continue Reading
Boyfriend Dungeon: the secrets of their email marketing strategy
Boyfriend Dungeon is an indie game being developed by Kitfox Games about dating luxuriously beautiful weapons and then using them to fight monsters. It was originally announced back in October 2017. On August 15th of 2018 the Kitfox team launched a Kickstarter for the game. The Kickstarter took the internet Continue Reading
How to learn who your audience is
If someone were to ask you who your target audience is would you have an answer? Is your answer everyone? Core gamers? Hearts? People who love indie games? You have probably had debates with your dev team over things like “well I think our players would like X because they Continue Reading
Why people aren’t buying your game
There is this cliche that appears in a lot of post-mortems. You also hear it in conversations with other indie devs. It goes something like “Damn consumers! You spend $5 on the same-old bland latte from Starbucks every day but you won’t fork over the same amount for my lovingly-crafted Continue Reading
How to build your marketing system
In my last column I introduced you to the sales funnel. A funnel is a conceptual model for how to move someone from not being aware of your game all the way to laying down the money to buy it. It is a marketing system. It was a pretty heady subject so Continue Reading
What we can learn from indie fiction authors
Ask any indie game dev what the secret to marketing an indie game is and you will hear pretty much the same thing: get featured on the Steam or the mobile App Stores, get covered by the press, get covered by a popular streamer. Launch without those and that game Continue Reading
How to actually finish your first game this year
It is the new year and that means it is resolution season. There is a good chance that you have decided, this year, finally, to finish a game. Great goal! You should definitely do this! You have probably already heard the same advice from hundreds of other people: keep your Continue Reading
Top 5 Mailing Lists of 2017
I admit it. Composing a list of the best bits of email marketing of 2017 might seem about as thrilling as awarding the best “Terms and Conditions Agreements” or best “Privacy Policy” text. I get it. But Please, stick with me here. Email marketing is the number one thing most indies Continue Reading
What Nintendo Power Can Teach Us About Indie Game Marketing
As a 9 year old, the greatest day of every month was when the new issue of Nintendo Power appeared in the family mailbox. I would pour over the 100+ pages of screenshots and game previews the same way a medieval monk would a sacred religious text. Nintendo Power was Nintendo Continue Reading
Email Marketing 101: How To Actually Use Your Mailing List
Good news, you read that email marketing is more powerful than Facebook and Twitter for getting people to buy your game and so you signed up for an email marketing service. But now you are thinking, what am I actually supposed to do with my email list? Well luckily I Continue Reading