This week I turn 40. I have had 3 career changes, had at least 8 different employers, probably twice as many managers. Here is a list of 40 things I have learned along the way. I am not saying all these are right, they have just guided me when I Continue Reading
How to stress-test your marketing
You marketing your game on Facebook? You using Twitter? Have a mailing list? Discord too I bet. Which one is your preferred one? Which one does best? Don’t know?You should stress test it. What is a stress test? To perform a stress test, you send out a simple call to Continue Reading
Why you should start your own festival
Today is the first day of the “Love Indies” event organized by Hannah Flynn and Failbetter games. Starting tomorrow, take the #LoveIndies challenge. Answer all 12 prompts during the event and claim a charming little #LoveIndies enamel pin! Make a thread, post a blog – answer however you like. Here's Continue Reading
10 easy tips to get your game ready for the Summer sale
If you have a game on Steam you probably got the notification that the Summer Sale is just around the corner. The Summer and Winter sales drive the most post-launch purchases of your game. Great! Is your page ready for all this traffic? If you haven’t touched your page in Continue Reading
3 steps to figure out how to describe your game to strangers
I talk a lot about how users are very precise in their genres and have expectations. Watch this if you haven’t see me rant about it. Read this negative review that I pulled from a game that has had a rocky launch: I walked in thinking a fun, open world, Continue Reading
Great talks you probably missed
Today I just wanted to share some talks that I haven’t seen anyone talk about or post on social media and it is a shame because they are really good. They come from the Montreal Discoverability Summit that occurs every summer. This summit was where I actually got my start Continue Reading
Did WarriOrbs use of prologues “fail?”
Probably not. A couple weeks ago I wrote about the “prologue” trend of putting up a free “demo” version of a game and then having a full version available for sale. Last week the developers of WarriOrb released a game that had a prologue. And it didn’t do as well Continue Reading
How to confront failure
Hey I hope you are staying healthy and taking the proper self-care. I know I have been feeling really anxious not just because of the pandemic but also because of my own work. I know I am not as productive as I was pre-pandemic. Part of it comes to the Continue Reading
2 inspiring stories from the community
Not sure if you know, but I have a Discord server. I have been so excited to see people asking really good questions and posting really good answers over there. If you are not over there yet, come on in. Here is a link to my Discord. Side note, this Continue Reading
How one new image increased sales 20-fold.
In my steam research, I saw over and over how important an interesting capsule image was. A good one was a mouse magnet. The participants I observed couldn’t help but hover over some capsules so that the tooltip appeared with the screenshots and tags. This was the first step in Continue Reading